2020/5/1/ · See a complete build of two Johnson-Su Bioreactors. Johnson-Su bioreactors produce high-quality compost with less work, less water, and fewer odors than trad
2013/7/23/ · The present study evaluates working performance of rotary drum reactor (RDR) and aerated In tank (AIV) for composting of garden waste. 100 kg garden waste was mixed with 10 kg cow-dung slurry
2022/11/11/ · Composting is one of the forms of organic solid waste disposal due to its environmental compatibility. Recently, composting has been obtained by the use of facultative reactors. The objectives of this review are to present recent research on facultative composting, focusing on mechanisms, substrates, process amelioration,
2016/12/1/ · 1. Introduction. Reactor systems make composting process easier to control in terms of temperature, moisture content, gas emission, and compost quality (Haug, 1993, Mason and Milke, 2005, Orthodoxou et al., 2015).They have attracted more attention compared to static pile or windrow systems in recent years, especially in heavily
2023/6/6/ · The Johnson-Su Composting Bioreactor produces a diverse, fungally dominant microbial inoculant that interacts symbiotically with plants to sequester carbon
Mix roughly equal amounts of bulking agent and food scraps, then fill your reactor. Remember that you want air to be able to diffuse through the pores in the compost, so make sure to keep your mix light and fluffy and do not pack it down. 8. Put the top piece of the soda bottle back on and seal it in place with tape.
2018/1/9/ · This section starts with a presentation of the experimental reactors and plan designed to monitor and evaluate the composting process (chapter 4), followed by the comprehensive composting model
In a series of laboratory-scale experiments using adiabatic reactors, addition of hydrogen peroxide to the compost was shown to exert a triggering effect on the composting process. On treatment with hydrogen peroxide, the temperature in the composting mass rose at a significantly faster rate and reached higher levels compared to the control trials.
2009/11/25/ · Composting is an efficient and cost-effective process for organic waste treatment. In order to expand our knowledge regarding microorganisms in the composting reactor, bacterial community
2019/3/19/ · The final GI of the cylindrical reactor with an airflow rate of 0.3 L min −1 kg −1 DM was 82.3%, whereas the GIs of the other compost reactors were below 80%. In this study, compost of a cylindrical reactor with a low aeration rate (0.3 L min −1 kg −1 DM) was more stable and mature than the other reactors.
2021/2/18/ · I set out to iterate and improve the traditional Johnson-Su Bioreactor design to make it easier to make compost. In this video, I show the new composter des
2021/6/1/ · Therefore, lignin-cellulose based biomass was composted in unaerated cylindrical compost reactors size 20 to 70 m3 for 140 days. The biomass comes with C:N ratio of about 25:1, water content of 43
2013/6/3/ · The high temperatures created by the thermophilic process have the benefit of killing harmful pathogens in the compost. When the temperature in the reactor goes above 160 F, thermophilic bacteria become inactive, and the temperature begins to drop. When the material in the reactor has cooled sufficiently, mesophilic bacteria return, and
2018/10/17/ · Diseño de un reactor de compostaje a pequeña escala (Composta en Red, Madrid, 18 y 19 de octubre de 2018) En esta charla mostraré las características de un compostador de 60 litros que permite transformar en compost más del 60% de los biorresiduos que una familia genera al año. Espero que os guste. Charla composta en …