1996/8/1/ · Abstract. Bioconversion of solid paper-pulp mill sludges and primary sewage sludge for 40 days at a ratio of 3:1 dw:dw was studied in containers with and without earthworms ( Eisenia andrei ). This mixture was a suitable medium for optimum growth and reproduction of the earthworms. Regardless of the presence of earthworms, degradation
2013/7/23/ · Abstract. Pulp and paper mill sludges (PMS) are a significant by-product of the paper making industry worldwide, and composting with mineral nutrients in Tasmania is viewed as the most environmentally acceptable technology to convert this material into a useful horticultural or agricultural product, thereby eliminating the need for landfilling.
2012/12/15/ · The aim of this paper was to study the influence of four process variables (turning frequency, gas-phase oxygen level, type of bulking agent and sludge/bulking agent mixing ratio) on the performance of the sewage sludge composting process using a rotary drum pilot scale reactor, in order to optimize the thermophilic stage and reduce the
2023/7/25/ · The composting process can recycle sludge effectively, but it still has some drawbacks. Many studies suggest that biochar addition in sludge composting can effectively improve the composting environment and overcome these drawbacks, due to its high carbon content, developed pore structure, rich surface functional groups, and adjustable
2014/2/4/ · The Swedish Energy Agency, Linköping University and participating pulp and paper mills are funding the continuation of this research with SEK 14.8 m over a two-year period. Samples from 70
2010/2/1/ · No significant effect had the addition of dregs on the biological activities during composting of Kraft mill sludge. However, a moderate amount of dregs (5–8%) would be the best compromise to optimize the process and to obtain high quality compost at 60–70 days operation time. The alkalinity of the dregs and the low C/N ratio in digested
2017/4/1/ · The rotary drum reactor shows high potential for composting of paper mill sludge. • Paper mill sludge composting with addition of cattle manure was highly effective. • Bioavailability and leachability of toxic metals was reduced in the final compost. • A final compost can be utilized as soil amendment.
2013/7/23/ · Pulp and paper mill sludges (PMS) are a significant by-product of the paper making industry worldwide, and composting with mineral nutrients in Tasmania is viewed
2012/8/29/ · Conclusions The results suggested that composting of sewage sludge with optimal proportion of cattle manure and saw dust, especially in C/N 30, can produce stable compost within 20 days of composting.
. The change in the ratio of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) during sludge composting using paper mill sludge, cow dung, straw in the ratio of 5:4:1 have been determined alongside observing β-glucosidase and Leucine arylamidase activities in different phases (0th, 30th and 60th days) of vermicomposting.
The ANDRITZ Gravity Table GT is used as a first dewatering stage for sludge prior to subsequent pressing operations (e.g. pressure filters of sludge screw presses). Gravity is utilized to thicken the sludge from a feed consistency of 0.6–5% to a discharge consistency of 10–18%. The gentle treatment of the gravity table keeps the flocculent
Episome's newly developed technology, Epicellulyse XT, (WO/2016/209183) enables use of paper mill sludge (waste) in biogas/renewable energy and organic fertilizer production.
2006/1/19/ · Soil amendment with paper mill sludge as well as repeated application of MSW compost and biosolids or BS have been shown to increase soil C and OM levels and lower bulk density (Douglas et al